Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article discusses the concept of personnel policy of the organization. The analysis of the staffing policy of the leading specialists of our country: Kibanov A.Ya., Egorshin A.P., etc. is given. The authors investigated the personnel policy of the enterprise OAO Uralmekhanobr. The following policies are reviewed and analyzed: recruitment and selection of staff, training of staff, and motivation of staff. For the analysis of personnel policy Uralmekhanobr OAO the following methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of documents of the enterprise, the conversation with the user, the test Martin – Richie, ranking of test results. The article presents ten documents of the organization. Among them there are the “Staff regulations”, “Regulations on remuneration of personnel”, “Regulations on hiring, movement and termination of personnel”, “Regulations on the promotion of scientific activities of employees of OAO Uralmekhanobr and others. On the base of results of the research personnel policy the conclusions are made. The management personnel of the enterprise has “active” recruitment policy. It is aimed at the development of the main directions of personnel policy: personnel training, recruitment and selection of personnel, motivation of the personnel.
personnel policy, staff, recruitment and selection, training and development, motivation of staff.
В условиях развития нашей страны уровень конкуренции между предприятиями очень высок, поэтому руководители организаций ставят перед собой ряд задач. Одна из основных задач – максимально эффективное использование кадрового потенциала персонала.
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