Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes distance learning. List of technical features that allow to solve tasks of organization of distance learning is given. The methodology for distance learning is described. It is proved that the virtual learning environment upgrades quality of learning. The authors considered the benefits of using virtual learning environment from the point of view of control over the work of the teacher and the student in the system. The authors summarize materials of the sociological research among students on the issue of the importance of education through a virtual learning environment. The article gives the socio-economic grounds of effectiveness of using virtual learning environments for distance learning. The economic justification of efficiency of use of virtual learning environments consists of two components of costs: for organization and for the student. Expenditure for educational institutions is considered. Cuts in expenditures for educational institutions are proved. Expenses for students are reviewed. In the conclusion it is summarized that the use of virtual learning environments helps to optimize human and financial resources of the organization.

virtual educational environment, distance learning, quality of education, economic justification of efficiency.
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