Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the key ideas of academic and methodological complex “Primary school of the XXI century”: priority of the development of learning activity, conditions of successful differential training, organization of educational interaction and search activity of schoolchildren on the basis of imaginary situation. The concept of “norm” is considered in respect to the sphere of education from the perspective of ensuring the objective interests of the public, compliance with the requirements of state educational standards, as well as the specifics of the didactic process, which includes objectives, content, methods and tools.
concept of “norm”; requirements to the education system; didactic components; education and development; younger schoolchild; training activities; imaginary situation, educational dialogue.
Разговор о современных подходах к проблеме формирования у младших школьников функциональной грамотности предлагаем начать с краткого обсуждения страниц истории отечественной системы начального образования, которые раскрывают отношение к грамотности в России и становление понятия «функциональная грамотность».
1. Tekst