from 20.08.2010 to 01.03.2018
Russian Federation
In the course of the annual procedure of self-professional educational organizations, provides quality assessment training students. Teachers of pedagogical colleges the Novosibirsk region implemented a joint project for the development of regional banks of test tasks on disciplines of general trade cycle. Regional banks of tests are considered as a tool for assessing the quality of training of students in the framework of self-examination in the form of electronic testing. The main condition for the use of the test materials in the evaluation procedure is the quality of their development. quality technology assessment procedures for the self-preparation of students as close as possible to the procedure for assessing the quality of training of students at the state accreditation. A common approach to internal and external evaluation procedures increase the objectivity and reliability of the information. The results of the data can be the basis for measures to improve the quality of education.
quality of education, self-examination, the banks of test tasks, computer testing
Одна из компетенций образовательного учреждения, регламентированных Федеральным законом «Об образовании в Российской Федерации», — обеспечение функционирования внутренней системы оценки качества образования,
в том числе проведение самообследования образовательного учреждения (п. 10 ст. 28) [4].
1. Denisenko L.G. Testovye materialy v usloviyakh realizatsii FGOS SPO [Test materials in the conditions of the implementation of the ACT GEF]. Novosibirsk, 2014. 110 p.
2. Efremova N.F. Kriterial’nye trebovaniya k fondam otsenochnykh sredstv [Criterion requirements for funds assessment tools]. Pedagogicheskie izmereniya [Pedagogical measurements]. 2016, I. 1, pp. 25-32.
3. Kardanova E.Yu. Testy kak metodika otsenivaniya: na chto sleduet obratit’ vnimanie [Tests as a method of evaluation: what you should pay attention]. Upravlenie nachal’noy shkoloy [Management elementary school]. 2016, I. 1, pp. 33-41.
4. Federal’nyy zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012g. №273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Federal Law of 29 December 2012. №273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”].