Effective management is impossible without understanding motives and human needs. The author believes that the way to effective management of labor behavior of employees is through building a systematic approach to work motivation of employees, contributing to increase the staff interest in the results of their work. Depending on whether satisfied or not the motive is at work, the person formed a positive or negative assessment of the conditions and content that is, or that the degree of job satisfaction. Motive — an inner drive or impulse that causes a person to act a certain way. It is connected directly with satisfaction of human needs: physiological, spiritual, economic and other. Motivation is the main and effective lever for productivity growth in the organization.
personnel, work motivation, work behavior, labor activity, attitude towards work, job satisfaction, productivity, human factor.
В современных условиях ориентации экономики на человеческий фактор возникает необходимость изменения механизма мотивации трудовой деятельности, т.е. трудового поведения.
Под поведением понимается внешнее проявление отношения человека к труду, исполнение своих обязанностей, поступки.
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