Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In an article devoted to the actual topic for customs of Russia, the problems of the concept, structure and evaluation of the labor potential of customs officials are considered. After considering several approaches leading Russian scientists to the definition of «labor potential», the authors came to the conclusion that at the moment there is no single, universally accepted concept and that its definition and structure will vary depending on the objectives and specificity of work. When analyzing structure of the labor potential of the customs officials, authors identified four components: socio-demographic, professional qualification, socio-personal and psycho-physiological. For each of the components was an attempt to assess labor potential of the customs officials to evaluate its components. The authors have also been modeled algorithm for determining the integrated assessment. The article defines the structure of the labor potential of the personnel of customs authorities. On the basis of the analysis formed the author’s method of estimation of labor potential, which is a component of a comprehensive system of evaluation of labor potential, simulated algorithm for determining the integrated assessment.

civil service, customs, labor potential, structure of labor potential, assessment of labor potential.


Целью оценки трудового потенциала должностных таможенных органов является определение приоритетных направлений его развития на основе информации о соответствии имеющегося трудового потенциала, необходимого для реализации стратегии развития таможенных органов России.


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