Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers both theoretical issues related to the specifics of the environmental education of younger schoolchildren and the aspects of the teacher’s organization of the relevant work, which involves a combination of lessons and extracurricular activities. The relevance of individual extracurricular work, including the joint activity of an adult and a child, is substantiated.

younger schoolchildren; Federal state educational standard of primary general education; the role of teachers in the organization of environmental education; time-consuming and after-hour work of ecological orientation; formation of students’ ecological culture; practical ecological-oriented activity.


Внимание к экологическим проблемам в нашем обществе требует не только законодательных инициатив, определяющих стратегию разрешения уже существующих и возникающих проблем, но и внесение изменений в процесс экологического образования подрастающего поколения.


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