The article attempts to analyze the scientific relevance and practical relevance for the modern system of public administration mainstreaming mode of governance and management style, their forms and manifestations in practice. Thus explores the underlying quality characteristics and stylistic peculiarities of functioning of the state apparatus, the difficulty of optimizing performance, problematic and contradictory nature of overcoming corruption and bureaucratic pathologies, threats, dysfunctions and other deformations in the practice of public administration. It is emphasized that at some point the corrupt and bureaucratic mechanisms become latent shadow control system, which resist very difficult. In the result remain on top of the bureaucracy, the corruption, the brutality, the callousness and irresponsibility, and the bottom begins to dominate legal nihilism, distrust of authorities, double standards. Analyzing the distinguished types of styles, the author stops at the optimally-effective style performance focuses on the value of the benefits and ways of learning, introduces into scientific circulation the concept of “style of meanness and hypocrisy” – style, based on lies, double standards, fraud, provocations and corruption. This article presents some value judgments made appropriate generalizations and conclusions, analyzes the actions taken by a state in respect of establishing proper order in the system of public administration and public service. Formulated proposals which, in the opinion of the author, will help accurately implement the tasks put by the state in terms of democratic governance and innovation updates of the struggle against formalism, bureaucratic abuse, corruption, hardware isolation.
authoritarianism, governance, bureaucracy, corruption, democracy, moral foundations to official relations, anti-corruption, professionalism, rational bureaucracy, system of government, ways of optimization style, management style, style of the non-systemic control.
Режим государственного правления: типологическое разнообразие, особенности
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