Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
The article considers the ability of primary school teachers to improve the quality of school education by introducing innovation activity in the educational process. Requirements for professional knowledge and methodological skills of teacher and innovator, as well as his personal qualities are given. In the particular example the stages of formation at younger schoolboys of educational action as an important component of the innovation teacher are described. The conclusion is made that the degree of personal responsibility of the students for learning process and the learning outcomes of their cognitive activity is largely dependent on the effectiveness of innovative activity of the teacher.
innovative educational activities; universalization and integration of knowledge; professional and personal qualities of the teacher; pedagogical tools and conditions; the design of the educational process.
Инновационная педагогическая деятельность осуществляется на различных уровнях обучения младших школьников, а именно:
•• отдельных видов работ (формирование технических умений чтения и письма, решения некоторых типов задач);
•• уроков (технология проведения занятий интегрированного типа);
•• педагогических систем (нововведения педагогов-новаторов).
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