Stavropol', Russian Federation
Stavropol', Russian Federation
The article describes the content and types of outsourcing, investigated its benefits. The evaluation of the practice of outsourcing both HR technology in Russia based on the analysis of open official sources, are examples of successful domestic outsourcing projects. Consistent with the task of research focuses on the development of the outsourcing of technology in government, examines the key challenges and problems faced by the authorities in the implementation of the outsourcing on the municipal level. The main focus of the research is done on the possibilities of increased efficiency through the creation of jobs, development of territories, securing their own staff and attracting new human resources with a high level of professional competence. The experience of Russian regions is studied in detail, the main problems in the introduction of outsourcing in the Stavropol region are highlighted and „road map« of outsourcing in the Stavropol region is proposed.
HR technology, outsourcing, outsourcing municipal services, the provider of outsourcing services, outsourcing projects.
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