Dynamic development of high-tech engineering on the basis of CE/PLM methodology requires intensification of training of engineering personnel and improvement of its quality. Informatization of geometrical graphic training with use of graphic means of representation of educational information (various forms of compression information) and CAD systems allows teachers more productively to communicate with students in e-learning. This requires a valid scientific rationale for the possibility of effective formation of the geometric- graphic competence in the format of blended learning in the conditions of informatization of geometrical graphic training. In the 2014/2015 academic year at Kazan national research technical University conducted a comparative experiment to assess the efficiency of formation of the geometric-graphic competence in traditional and e-learning. The effectiveness (quality, intensity, efficiency) of the basic geometric and graphic training in the format of blended learning is confirmed by the results of the experiment while ensuring comfortable equally significant of training and informational interaction between student, teacher and interactive electronic educational resources in personal learning and problem-based teamwork using the method of projects. By the organizing of learning activities in this format can be set the task of training the target group (team) of developers technical objects, which participants will form a group project mentality at the stage of learning. Assessments of some criteria in component composition of the qualities of a person for control the formation of geometric- graphic competence of future graduates, such as: motivation, quality thinking, etc., characterizing the integrity, using the techniques of the subject adaptability to professional activity in a concurrent engineering by specialists in the field of engineering psychology is not yet sufficiently developed. It is not possible to fully automate the monitoring of the formation of the geometric-graphic competence.
blended learning, the basic geometrical graphic training, team work, problem-based learning, project-based learning.
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