Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the experience of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University in elaborating the assessment tools stock for the basic university educational programs for the current, midterm and end-of-course assessment. The role of disciplinary and interdisciplinary assessment toolkits in the structure of the basic university curriculum is defi ned. Also suggested is the author’s vision on how the assessment toolkits should be structured and also the techniques for developing such toolkits. Based on the specifi c examples, the authors show some possible approaches to assessing the level of students’ competences formedness in the course of the current, midterm and end-of course certifying in the higher school institutions. The features, indicating various levels of competencies formedness are described. The technology for development of the End-of-Course Assessment Program is presented. The paper is focused mainly on the new approaches to selecting appropriate assessment tools for the state exam. Potential problems, arising while developing the assessment tools for the end-of-term exam on the “Education and Pedagogy” training program are identifi ed. Also presented are the examples of practice-oriented assignments, allowing, on the authors’ opinion, to identify the level of formedness of the professionally signifi cant competences.

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FGOS of VO), competence, current and midterm assessment, State fi nal examination (GIA), Final qualifi cation work (FOS), state exam, assessment toolkits, assessment tools stock certifi cate, case study, methodological task.

Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Минобрнауки России в рамках базовой части государственного задания № 2014/411 (код проекта 919) и гранта Российского гуманитарного научного фона (проект 14-06-00315а).


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