Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article contains the analysis of modern approaches to quality management of subject training, and also gives the main mechanisms providing quality of graphic training of students in the Perm Polytechnic University. The work purpose is to present model of quality management of graphic preparation and to show process model of carrying out monitoring of the reached educational results. The adaptive model with negative feedback is offered as model of management of subject preparation. The process model of through monitoring of educational results of subject training promotes improvement of quality of training of the student since allows to trace deviations from the predicted intermediate results of education and to correct an educational trajectory of the student by means of negative feedback. The effective mechanisms providing quality of graphic preparation at university are given in article. Experience of its realization was repeatedly discussed on pages of the Internet edition of the QGP conferences, other editions and got approval of the geometric and graphic community of Russia and the neighboring countries. The annual Internet conferences which are carried out since 2010 initiated by the Perm national research polytechnic university and "Design, Graphics and Descriptive Geometry" chair are innovative and extremely effective mechanism of integration of interaction of teachers of the geometric — graphic disciplines. They are aimed at improvement of quality of graphic training of students of technical universities and promote permission of the collected problems of engineering education of Russia. This project showed the viability, gained fame and support in the environment of geometric and graphic community. The article is of interest to teachers of university chairs who teach disciplines in a competence-based format and solve a problem to optimize educational process, increasing quality of subject training at deficiency of a number of hours in the curriculum. We hope that the described experience of ensuring quality of graphic preparation will be useful to readers.

competence approach, subject teaching system, the system of quality management, procedures and management mechanisms, quality of subject teaching.

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