Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Within the terms of multilevel training the to-be-economists are being taught to solve complex problems, comprising such tasks, as the analysis, forecasting and decision making in the real world. At that, the training standards place the main emphasis on the learners’ ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities (i.e. competences) in future professional activities, rather than on the educational content to be mastered. Competence-based approach is shaped through mastering various disciplines in the course of solving cross-disciplinary tasks. Of such nature are the cases, while the whole instrumental toolkit for mastering cases relies on the case-study method, or case-method. The authors assume, that the competences, stipulated by the Advanced Mathematics curriculum for bachelors in Economics, can be developed by means of the above mentioned case-method. The experiment, aimed at teaching the fi rst-year students of the Financial University, as described in the paper, is based on implementing the competence- based approach in training the to-be-economists.

education in Economics, competence, competence-based approach, case-study method, case-project, case-task.

В последние годы особое звучание приобретает гуманизация университетского экономического образования, которая предполагает эффективное овладение необходимыми знаниями и разностороннее развитие личности. Такой аспект находит отражение и в индивидуализации многоуровневого обучения, и в организации учебного процесса, при которой выбор методов и приемов обучения учитывает индивидуальные особенности и потребности студентов. Постоянно обновляющиеся стандарты высшего профессионального образования имеют основную ориентацию обучения не столько на содержание образования, сколько на компетенции выпускников.


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