Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We analyze strong space weather disturbances during first ten days of September 2017, using the geomagnetic Dst index, parameters of normals to interplanetary shock fronts, direct measurements of interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind, and cosmic ray parameters. By applying spectral analysis methods to interplanetary medium data, we analyze MHD waves at the pre-front of two interplanetary shocks responsible for geomagnetic disturbances on September 6 and 7, 2017. The main results are as follows: the contribution of three branches of MHD waves (Alfvén, fast and slow magnetosonic) to the observed spectrum of the interplanetary magnetic field modulus has been established. We have confirmed the conclusion that the generation of Alfvén waves and fast magnetosonic waves is due to the presence of low-energy proton fluxes (Ep~1 MeV) at the pre-front of interplanetary shocks. We have also discovered a predominant contribution of slow magnetosonic waves to the observed spectrum of the interplanetary magnetic field modulus, but its reason is yet unknown. It is noted that different orientations of the normals to the interplanetary shock fronts and to the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field average vector on spacecraft located fairly close to each other may indicate waviness of the shock front structure.

Ключевые слова:
interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind, MHD waves, interplanetary shock, geomagnetic storm, cosmic rays, Forbush decrease
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Список литературы

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