Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Статья посвящена исследованию методологий управления инновационными программами в ИТ-зависимых компаниях и разработке рекомендаций по их адаптации в компании. Проанализированы концепции, стандарты и лучшие практики в области управления инновациями, принципы и методы формирования программ инновационного развития в ИТ-зависимых компаниях. Определены факторы, являющиеся критически важными для обеспечения эффективности и результативности инновационных программ для менеджеров рассматриваемых компаний. Разработаны рекомендации по адаптации стандарта P2M для ИТ-зависимых компаний с учетом факторов, способствующих эффективности и результативности инновационных программ.

Ключевые слова:
управление программами, инновационные программы, P2M, ИТ-зависимые компании
Список литературы

1. Abdullah N. H. et al. The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Product Innovativeness // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014. (129). C. 140-147.

2. Belso-Martínez J. A., Molina-Morales X. X., Mas-Verdu F. Perceived usefulness of innovation programs for high-tech and low-tech firms // Management Decision. 2013. № 6 (51). C. 1190-1206.

3. G. Zona M. Innovation-as-practice: examining the relationship between leaders espoused and enacted innovation, and innovation outcomes and firm performance // The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. 2018.

4. Ganter A., Hecker A. Deciphering antecedents of organizational innovation // Journal of Business Research. 2013. № 5 (66). C. 575-584.

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6. Grafsgaard B. Portfolio, Program, and Project Management as Enablers of Innovation editor G. Levin, Auerbach Publishers, 2012.

7. Hidalgo A., Albors J. Innovation management techniques and tools: A review from theory and practice // R and D Management. 2008. № 2 (38). C. 113-127.

8. Jiang J., Klein G., Fernandez W. From project management to program management: An invitation to investigate programs where IT plays a significant role // Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2018. № 1 (19). C. 40-57.

9. Khosravi P., Newton C., Rezvani A. Management innovation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of past decades of research // European Management Journal. 2019. № 6 (37). C. 694-707.

10. Kim Y., Lui S. S. The impacts of external network and business group on innovation: Do the types of innovation matter? // Journal of Business Research. 2015. № 9 (68). C. 1964-1973.

11. Levin G. Embrace and exploit change as a program manager. Guidelines for success // Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress. 2012.

12. Levin G. Program Management: A Life Cycle Approach / G. Levin, Auerbach Publications, 2013.

13. Loewe P., Chen G. Changing your company’s approach to innovation // Strategy and Leadership. 2007. № 6 (35). C. 18-26.

14. Lopes A. P. et al. Innovation management : a literature review about the evolution and the different innovation models // Iternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. 2012.

15. Lycett M., Rassau A., Danson J. Programme management: A critical review // International Journal of Project Management. 2004. № 4 (22). C. 289-299.

16. Neely A., Hii J. Innovation and Business Performance: A Literature Review // The Judge Institute of Management Studies University of Cambridge. 1998. C. 57.

17. Siang L. F., Yih C. H. A Review Towards the New Japanese Project Management: P2M and Kpm // Trends and Development in Management Studies. 2012. № 1 (1). C. 25-41.

18. Souza Bermejo P. H. De et al. Conceptualizing organizational innovation: The case of the Brazilian software industry // Information and Management. 2016. № 4 (53). C. 493-503.

19. Steyn P., Semolič B. Project and Program Management Acumen: The Catalyst for Industry 4.0 Organizational Success1 // PM World Journal. 2019. № Viii (VIII). C. 1-13.

20. Teubner R. A. An Exploration into IT Programs and Their Management: Findings From Multiple Case Study Research // Information Systems Management. 2019. № 1 (36). C. 40-56.

21. Thiry M. ‘For DAD’: A programme management life-cycle process // International Journal of Project Management. 2004. № 3 (22). C. 245-252.

22. Wells H. How Effective Are Project Management Methodologies? An Explorative Evaluation of Their Benefits in Practice // Project Management Journal. 2012. № 6 (39). C. 28-42.

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25. A Guidebook of Project & Program Management for Enterprise Innovation ENAA, 2001.

26. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th-е изд., Project Management Institute, 2017.

27. The Standard for Program Management 4-е изд., Project Management Institute, 2017. 176 c.

28. Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation OECD/Eurostat, 2018. 34-36 c.

29. Managing Successful Programmes 5th-е изд., London: Axelos, 2020.

30. Managing Successful Programmes 5th-е изд., London: AXELOS, 2020.

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