Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Во второй части статьи продолжают рассматриваться технологии американского городского строительства на рубеже XIX–XX вв. Развитие городской инфраструктуры требовало иных подходов к застройке города. Все это побудило русских архитекторов заняться изучением информации о технических инновациях в Западной Европе и Соединенных Штатах. В статье рассматривается исследование «американского стиля» в архитектуре русскими архитекторами конца XIX — начала XX в.

Ключевые слова:
визуальная коммуникация, национальное культурное наследие, диалог между поколениями, кросс-культурная коммуникация

No subsequent account of American architecture in Zodchii demonstrated quite the same breadth of cultural interests that distinguishes Kuleshov's series ofarticles. Regardless of its geographic or technical limitations,his pioneering account had brought America tolife for the readers of Zodchii, without neglecting thespecialized concerns of the architectural profession. Itcan be argued that architects were particularly receptiveto favorable reports on the American republic, by virtueof their interests in economic growth and technicalprogress. Although architecture had its social and ideologicaluses in Russian society, Russian architects couldpraise American buildings and technology without implyingpolitical views of either monarchic or radical tint.Indeed, expressions of wonder continued unabated fromZodchii's correspondents. An 1879 report on Leadville,a mining town in Colorado, noted that it "sprang up asif by magic" in this "land of wonders." Surely such referenceswould have suggested visions of the rapid exploitationof the rich unsettled regions of Siberia and otherparts of Russia. A report on the development of thetelephone in America stated: "One can indeed call Americathe land of application of scientific theories to practiceand to life. While we engage in debates over the practicalityand future of the telephone, city telephone networksare being created in America”.

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