Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 82 Художественная литература. Литературоведение
The proposed manual includes assignments for home reading based on the book "Cruce de caminos" written by Luis Fernández Llorente. In addition to tasks for understanding the content of the text and improving lexical and grammatical skills of a reader, the manual includes exercises for the development of emotional intelligence. These tasks contribute to a detailed analysis of the book and they are aimed at understanding emotions of the characters, analyzing their actions and developing empathy and reflection of readers. This manual is created for senior students receiving a bachelor's or master's degree in the fields of "Linguistics" and "«Practice and Theory of Translation", who speak the Spanish language at an advanced level. It can be used within the framework of the disciplines "Foreign language (Spanish)", "Practice of the culture of speech communication (Spanish language)".
spanish, home reading, emotional intelligence
1. Luis Fernández Llorente. Cruce de caminos. EDELSA Grupo Didascalia, S.A. Madrid. 2002. 197 p.
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9. Mohsin, A., Beltiukov A., A. Summarizing Emotions from Text Using Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. // Advances in Intelligent System Research,166. 2019. pp. 291 – 294
10. Plutchik R. The Nature of Emotions: Clinical Implications. In: Clynes, M., Panksepp, J. (eds) // Emotions and Psychopathology. Springer, Boston, MA. 1988. p.1-20
11. Plutchik R. The Nature of Emotions. // American Scientist, 89(4). 2001. pp. 344 - 350