Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper is devoted to the problem of higher education quality improving, and to the necessity of taking into account in this process the educational space subjects: students, teachers and employers. Theoretical and methodological approaches to quality assessment problem have been considered, and system-social approach has been selected, which allow include the satisfaction both of students and teachers with different aspects of high educational institution life into this assessment criteria. Based on such approach a methodology has been developed, and a sociological research on materials of Russian oil and gas high educational institutions, training professionals for the Russian economy’s most significant sector, has been carried out. As a result, the relationships of education quality and satisfaction both of students and educators with the educational process as a whole and its individual elements have been revealed. The assessment of high educational institutions’ graduates made by their employers, as well as recommendations on quality improving in some training directions, aimed at implementation of practiceoriented approach to training, have been presented. A comparison of the situation both in different high educational institutions and between students studying on technical and managerial specialties has been carried out. Particular attention has been paid to the development based on this research’s results of regional oil and gas higher educational institution model in the conditions of higher education modernization, taking into account the interaction of all stakeholders (real economy enterprises, government structures, civil society). Also an oil and gas higher educational institution development realization mechanism has been proposed, considering all the activities of the educational institution (the education, research and innovation, sociocultural ones) with a system approach, allowing it to become successful in the international market of educational services in the oil and gas industry

education quality, satisfaction with training, oil and gas higher educational institutions, competence of graduates.

Статья подготовлена при поддержке РГНФ (Грант № 15-03-00367а).


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