Article 619 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has been of well established application with regard to the mechanism of the lessor’s right for early dissolution of the lease contract. Certain difficulties do exist in relation to the practices of the right to refuse a tenant lease. The article analyzes the legal practice with regard to the unilateral refusal to perform the obligations under the lease. Recommendations to address the problems identified through the establishment of a mechanism ratio rules of the Civil Code on the general grounds of termination of a civil contract, and the grounds for early termination of the lease. It has been determined that the formulation by the parties of “abstract” grounds for withdrawal does not meet the principle of respect for the economic stability of civil turnover. The grounds for unilateral termination of the obligations in the lease are to be substantiated in detail.
Civil litigation, lease, contract enforcement, liability of the parties, termination of the contract, a unilateral refusal to perform the obligations.
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