Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals and justifies the idea of monitoring by parliamentarians of law-making results, and suggests the implementation model for this idea. The article proposes to start the implementation with the most important areas of law-making: to support fighting organized crime and corruption. By way of illustration, the author uses the interdisciplinary institute of the pretrial agreement on cooperation and the criminal law rule on the enhanced responsibility of persons holding supereminence positions in the criminal hierarchy. The article highlights a number of problems in contemporary law-making, which are reveled in examples and backed up by statistics: inflation of laws, haste and lack of proper justification in adopting them, inconsistencies in legislation requirements, gaps in legal regulation, legislature’s isolation from legal science, etc. The author notes that all these are corruptogenic factors, and proves the message that the author’s suggestions can partially correct the problems. The author argues that under the conditions of the reformed electoral legislation, the political competition will increase and this will help to implement the declared ideas.

Fighting organized crime, combating corruption, parliamentary control, problems of the Russian legislation, enforcement monitoring, pre-trial agreement on cooperation, supereminence in the criminal hierarchy.

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