Russian Federation
The article examines modern trends in the development of domestic legislation. The author believes that the research traditions of the 1930—1950s do not any longer correspond to the realities of the legal system of today. The most important trend in modern dynamics of law is the individualization of the legal scope of regulation. Today we witness the creation of new types of laws — management, organization — to provide for the terms and conditions for social, political and other various types of events (Olympic Games, football World Cup, etc.). Also we witness the emergence of statutory laws which are created to lay down special status for various enterprises, organizations, agencies. The author believes that not all of those draft laws are of objective necessity. Examples are many. Other rules of individualization are subject to analysis. In general, it is concluded that the trend of individualization (fragmentation) is gaining momentum, and this is to be taken into account when we study the structure of the legislation and the structure of law.
Legal regulation, individual legal regulation, legislation, system of legislation, the crisis of law.
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