Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 623.618 Автоматизированные системы управления войсками. Военно-информационные системы
The article develops a generalized model that covers the key components and properties necessary for a high-quality interface between combat crew members and automated military systems (AS VN). he main attention is paid to the need for instant situation assessment and quick decision-making in modern combat conditions. In a dynamically changing environment, it is important to reduce information processing time and increase the efficiency of human-machine interaction. It has been shown that one of the key advantages of holographic visualization is the ability to interact with the environment in real time. Operators can change parameters and observe changes in the hologram. The use of tensors in holographic visualization opens up new possibilities for controlling vehicles in the air, on land and under water. This technology creates realistic 3D models that help operators make informed decisions based on multi-dimensional data. To create a mathematical model of an object, it is necessary to use all known parameters that describe the dynamics of the aircraft, link environmental parameters and flight characteristics, and those that inte-grate information from various sources. Creating a mathe-matical model of an aircraft, taking into account all sources of information for the decision maker, requires systematiza-tion of all parameters and their relationships. The use of methods such as interpolation and index contraction makes it possible to process large amounts of information and cre-ate dynamic models. Holographic visualization not only improves flight and travel safety, but also promotes more efficient use of resources in various industries.
model, automated system, visualization, holography, human-machine interaction, tensors.
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