Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Values are the basis of the personality structure and form a life orientation, in the process of socialization, and provide a person's spiritual orientation, the orientation of his worldview and worldview. The study involved 24 adolescents aged 13-16 years. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: the 1st control group of 12 teenagers and the 2nd experimental group of 12 children. The method of studying the value orientations of Milton Rokich, which is based on a direct ranking of the list of values, were used. Of all the most common values in KG is health — 63,6%. For EG, the important value is the life wisdom of 30,7%. In addition, you can see that the KG has never chosen values related to family and friends 0%. However, no one has noted the value of 0% love. The results of the study showed that the level of general meaningfulness of life in KG is 3,4% higher than in EG. As a result of the training, the quality of communication between teenagers has improved, internal barriers in communication have been removed.
personality, motives, norms, adolescents, value-semantic sphere
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