Moscow Financial-Industrial University «Synergy» (Senior lecturer)
Currently, research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) attracts significant attention of scientists and specialists, noting a significant contribution to the development of this technology. Based on the historical context, AI, which arose in the 1950s as a field of experimental scientific research, has now reached the stage of active and dynamic development, enriched with an extensive set of tools, methods and approaches to its application. The main task facing AI researchers is to create software, algorithms and models that can provide hardware with the ability to act independently and think logically. In the process of solving this problem, specific obstacles arise, the key attribute of which is the absence of a previously known algorithm for achieving the machine learning. Within the framework of the article, an analysis initiated by the author is carried out regarding the essence of the concept of “artificial intelligence.” Special attention is paid to the huge potential that opens up for the use of AI in the field of personnel management. The study, performed by the author, highlights the attitude of employees towards AI and its integration into the business processes of companies. The survey, which cover d more than 150 participants from various organizations of the Russian Federation, was organized using online tools such as Google Forms. The results of the study indicate the shown interest of employees in the topic of AI and the belief in its positive impact on the processes of human resource management, despite the lack of widespread distribution of this technology among companies. The main concerns expressed by respondents are related to cybersecurity issues and potential job losses, which is confirmed in the opinions of experts, focusing on the need for comprehensive regulation of the use of AI, including legal and ethical aspects. In conclusion, the author of the article proposed a logical scheme detailing the process of integrating AI into the administrative system.
basic aspects of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence capabilities in human resources management, cybersecurity, legal and ethical challenges to the application of artificial intelligence
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