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Abstract (English):
Electrocardiogram (ECG)-based biometrics offer a promising solution for secure and reliable authentication, leveraging the unique and intrinsic characteristics of ECG signals. Unlike external traits such as fingerprints or facial recognition, ECG signals are internal to the body, making them highly resistant to spoofing and ensuring that only live persons can be verified and authenticated. While existing research has largely focused on closed-set recognition environments, where systems operate within predefined datasets, real-world applications demand open-set recognition capabilities. Open-set recognition means that the systems must recognize the enrolled users and at the same time reject the unknown individuals, which poses the following challenges: variability of signals, limited generalization of classifiers, and lack of rich datasets. This review examines the design considerations, challenges, and solutions for implementing ECG biometrics in open-set environments. Advanced classification methodologies that include deep learning models, classification techniques, and new open-set specific models including OpenMax and EVMs are discussed. Additionally, the role of feature extraction, data augmentation, and evaluation metrics in improving system performance is analyzed. By addressing these challenges, ECG biometrics can become the basis for secure authentication in health care, IoT and financial systems. This paper aims to guide future research toward developing robust and scalable ECG-based biometric systems.

ECG Biometrics, Open-Set Recognition, Closed-Set Recognition, Authentication Systems, Signal Variability, Classification Models, Deep Learning, OpenMax, Extreme Value Machines (EVMs).
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