Russian Federation
The article describes the method of teaching first-year students – the basics of solid-state modeling used at the Department of Engineering Graphics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The expediency of using methodological material in teaching, containing models and drawings of simple geometric bodies, developed on the basis of available student’s knowledge, is noted. The necessity of obtaining and consolidating student’s knowledge and skills using relationships between elements in the structure of the model, as well as between the model and the electronic drawing created by the model, is shown. This is achieved by complying with the requirement of the geometric integrity of models created by students and completing tasks for editing models and drawings. The presented methodology is aimed at forming students at the initial stage of training basic ordered and interrelated knowledge and skills for creating and editing a model of a part and its associated drawing, necessary for effective use in further training and in engineering practice.
solid-state modeling, geometric model of a part, geometric integrity of a model, electronic drawing, editing skills
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