Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
2500-0489 (print) 2500-0489 (online)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 55105

Requirements for the paper

Content Requirements

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

Length of paper: 20-40 thousand characters (including spaces).

Design requirements

The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, and savedin DOC, DOCX, or RTF formats. File name should include author's name and article's title.

Paper Structure:

  • name of the author, title;
  • abstract (100-250 words);
  • keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon);
  • full text of the article (the main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 12 PT; margins: top and bottom - 2 sm, right and left - 3 sm; line spacing - single; indent the first line of the paragraph - 1,25 sm; text-align justify; references in formulas are given in parentheses; for formulas in the formula editor; pictures by means of Word; raster images are provided as separate JPG files of minimum 300 dpi resolution);
  • references;
  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author).

To highlight text use bold and italic. It is recommended to use italic for examplesand bold for new terms and concepts.

It is not recommended to use UPPERCASE, sp a c i n g and an underscore; footnotes.

An author's photo should be included together with the text of the manuscript.

All Illustrative materials should be in TIFF or JPG filesof minimum 300 dpi resolution (if available).

Publication ethics

1. General duties and responsibilities of the Editor-in-chief

1.1. Editor-in-chief should be accountable for everything published in the journal.

1.2. Editor-in-chief should not allow the publication of the materials which are irrelevant to the remit of the journal.

2. Independence and objectivity of the editors

2.1. Decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based on the paper's importance, originality and clarity, and the study's validity and its relevance to the remit of the journal.

2.2. Decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication makes editor-in-chief or deputy-chief editor only after peer reviewing.

2.3. Peer reviewing and publishing articles for authors is free of charge.

3. Peer reviewing

3.1. Peer reviews are carried out by members of the editorial board and the editorial staff, as well as by invited reviewers - the leading experts in the corresponding field. The decision to choose the reviewer is made by the chief editor or deputy-chief editor.

3.2. The content of manuscripts is valued regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status or political affiliation of the authors.

3.3. The reviewer who does not have, in his opinion, enought qualification for valuation of the manuscript or who can't be objective, for example in the case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor with a request to exclude him/her from the review process of this manuscript.

3.4. Review originals are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years.

4. Copyright Policy

Unpublished data from the manuscripts submitted for consideration should not be used for personal purposes, or passed on to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained in the course of editing and related to the potential benefits must be kept confidential and not used for the purpose of personal gain.

5. Relations with readers

Readers should be informed about who has funded the research and whether the funders had any role in the research and its publication and, if so, what this was.

6. Dealing with possible misconduct

6.1. Editors together with the publisher shouldn't leave unanswered complaints concerning the examination of manuscripts or published materials. In the event of a conflict should take all necessary measures to redress.

6.2. The editors willing to publish corrections, refutations, clearings and complaints if necessary.

7. Publisher's position

7.1. Publisher does not interfere in the work of the editorial board and the editorial staff, is not involved in the selection of manuscripts and does not insist on the publication of any material.

7.2. Publisher ensures the development of the magazine: its paper and electronic versions, including into the databases and subscription catalogs.

7.3. Publisher retains the absence of a fee for the publication of articles in support of point 2 of this document.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article's metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

Titova Elena  — Otvetstvennyy redaktor
OOO "Nauchno-izdatel'skiy centr INFRA-M" (Edition, editor)
from 01.01.2015 until now candidate of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 451306
Pitulko Viktor  — chief editor
Saint-Petersburg scientific research center for ecological safety Russian Academy of Sciences (laboratory of geoecological problems of natural-economic systems and urban territories, chief researcher)
doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences from 01.01.1983 until now
professor Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.1986 until now
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Lukanin Aleksandr Vasil'evich  — a member of ed. Board
Rossiyskiy universitet druzhby narodov (kafedra obschey, farmacionnoy i biomedicinskih tehnologiy, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Sidorenko O.  — a member of ed. Board
MSHA im. K. A. Timiryazeva
Russian Federation
Kropocheva Lyudmila Vladimirovna  — a member of ed. Board
Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno (Department of electrical engineering, Associate Professor)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Shipkov Oleg  — a member of ed. Board
Russian academy of painting, sculpturing and architecture of Ilya Glazunov (department “Architecture”, professor)
candidate of technical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1268-7065
INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Editorial office address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
The certificate of registration of the periodical

Requirements for the paper

Content Requirements

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

Length of paper: 20-40 thousand characters (including spaces).

Design requirements

The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, and savedin DOC, DOCX, or RTF formats. File name should include author's name and article's title.

Paper Structure:

  • name of the author, title;
  • abstract (100-250 words);
  • keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon);
  • full text of the article (the main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 12 PT; margins: top and bottom - 2 sm, right and left - 3 sm; line spacing - single; indent the first line of the paragraph - 1,25 sm; text-align justify; references in formulas are given in parentheses; for formulas in the formula editor; pictures by means of Word; raster images are provided as separate JPG files of minimum 300 dpi resolution);
  • references;
  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author).

To highlight text use bold and italic. It is recommended to use italic for examplesand bold for new terms and concepts.

It is not recommended to use UPPERCASE, sp a c i n g and an underscore; footnotes.

An author's photo should be included together with the text of the manuscript.

All Illustrative materials should be in TIFF or JPG filesof minimum 300 dpi resolution (if available).

Publication ethics

1. General duties and responsibilities of the Editor-in-chief

1.1. Editor-in-chief should be accountable for everything published in the journal.

1.2. Editor-in-chief should not allow the publication of the materials which are irrelevant to the remit of the journal.

2. Independence and objectivity of the editors

2.1. Decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based on the paper's importance, originality and clarity, and the study's validity and its relevance to the remit of the journal.

2.2. Decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication makes editor-in-chief or deputy-chief editor only after peer reviewing.

2.3. Peer reviewing and publishing articles for authors is free of charge.

3. Peer reviewing

3.1. Peer reviews are carried out by members of the editorial board and the editorial staff, as well as by invited reviewers - the leading experts in the corresponding field. The decision to choose the reviewer is made by the chief editor or deputy-chief editor.

3.2. The content of manuscripts is valued regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status or political affiliation of the authors.

3.3. The reviewer who does not have, in his opinion, enought qualification for valuation of the manuscript or who can't be objective, for example in the case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor with a request to exclude him/her from the review process of this manuscript.

3.4. Review originals are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years.

4. Copyright Policy

Unpublished data from the manuscripts submitted for consideration should not be used for personal purposes, or passed on to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained in the course of editing and related to the potential benefits must be kept confidential and not used for the purpose of personal gain.

5. Relations with readers

Readers should be informed about who has funded the research and whether the funders had any role in the research and its publication and, if so, what this was.

6. Dealing with possible misconduct

6.1. Editors together with the publisher shouldn't leave unanswered complaints concerning the examination of manuscripts or published materials. In the event of a conflict should take all necessary measures to redress.

6.2. The editors willing to publish corrections, refutations, clearings and complaints if necessary.

7. Publisher's position

7.1. Publisher does not interfere in the work of the editorial board and the editorial staff, is not involved in the selection of manuscripts and does not insist on the publication of any material.

7.2. Publisher ensures the development of the magazine: its paper and electronic versions, including into the databases and subscription catalogs.

7.3. Publisher retains the absence of a fee for the publication of articles in support of point 2 of this document.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article's metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

                        Akimenko T. A.
Akimenko T. A. FGBOU VO «Tul'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet»

                        Aksenova O.
Aksenova O. Kuzbuss State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev (Head)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Aleksashina O. V.
Aleksashina O. V. Moscow Polytechnic University (Department of Standardization and Certification, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Alekseev Gennady
Alekseev Gennady Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University (Inzhenerno-Stroitel'nyy institut, student magistratury)

                        Almazov Aidarbek
Almazov Aidarbek Ala-Too International University

                        Aminov A. E.
Aminov A. E. Moscow Polytechnic University

                        Antonova I. V.
Antonova I. V. MIREA – Russian Technological University (kafedra vysshey i prikladnoy matematiki, Associate Professor)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

                        Aseev Aleksandr
Aseev Aleksandr Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko (Obstetrics and gynecology №2, Student)
from 01.01.2021 until now

                        Bavykin Oleg Borisovich
Bavykin Oleg Borisovich Moscow Polytechnic University (Department "Standardization, Metrology and Certification", Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Bazarova E.
Bazarova E. Donbass State Technical University
candidate of technical sciences

                        Baisalov Joomart
Baisalov Joomart Kyrgyz State University name I. Arabaev (professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic ,
Excellent research and education trade union movement ,
Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz National University

                        Bakanovskiy D.
Bakanovskiy D. Ural State University of Railway Transport

                        Bakuradze A. B.
Bakuradze A. B. Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (professor)
doctor of philosophical sciences

                        Baranov A. Yu.
Baranov A. Yu. Ivanovo State Power University

                        Baranov Sergey Gennad'evich
Baranov Sergey Gennad'evich Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

                        Batalov Daniil
Batalov Daniil SFEDU (the Department Socio-Economic Geography and Environmental Management)
from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2023

Titova Elena  — Otvetstvennyy redaktor
OOO "Nauchno-izdatel'skiy centr INFRA-M" (Edition, editor)
from 01.01.2015 until now candidate of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 451306
Pitulko Viktor  — chief editor
Saint-Petersburg scientific research center for ecological safety Russian Academy of Sciences (laboratory of geoecological problems of natural-economic systems and urban territories, chief researcher)
doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences from 01.01.1983 until now

professor Russian Academy of Sciences from 01.01.1986 until now
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Lukanin Aleksandr Vasil'evich  — a member of ed. Board
Rossiyskiy universitet druzhby narodov (kafedra obschey, farmacionnoy i biomedicinskih tehnologiy, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Sidorenko O.  — a member of ed. Board
MSHA im. K. A. Timiryazeva

Russian Federation
Kropocheva Lyudmila Vladimirovna  — a member of ed. Board
Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno (Department of electrical engineering, Associate Professor)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Shipkov Oleg  — a member of ed. Board
Russian academy of painting, sculpturing and architecture of Ilya Glazunov (department “Architecture”, professor)
candidate of technical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1268-7065


Code 50
Name Общие вопросы математических и естественных наук


Cel' zhurnala – predostavit' vozmozhnost' uchenym, prepodavatelyam, aspirantam publikovat' rezul'taty svoih issledovaniy, privlech' vnimanie k perspektivnym napravleniyam estestvennyh nauk, informirovat' mirovoe i otechestvennoe nauchnoy soobschestvo o poslednih rezul'tatah nauchnyh dostizheniy v sfere estestvoznaniya.

E-mail redakcii: titova_en@infra-m.ru

Dannomu zhurnalu ne prisvaivayutsya indeksy DOI.

Vse stat'i zhurnala nahodyatsya v otkrytom dostupe.

Periodichnost': 1 raz v 3 mesyaca.

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