from 01.01.2019 until now
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
from 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2023
Russian Federation
UDK 616.89-008.454 Снижение, ослабление, упадок сил. Депрессия, бессвязность, умственная и душевная неустойчивость. Слабоумие, глупость, тупоумие. Френастения. Конституциональная душевная депрессия
Postpartum depression is a serious psychological condition that can occur in women after the birth of a child. It is characterized by deep sadness, feelings of despair and loss of interest in the world around them. Such a state can last for several weeks or even months after childbirth. In this article, we will pay attention to the main symptoms and causes of postpartum depression, as well as familiarize ourselves with possible ways of support for those women who suffer from this psychological disorder. The role of support from loved ones and professional specialists is essential to help women overcome these difficulties and return to a fulfilling life after childbirth.
postpartum depression, motherhood, mother, child, psychology, gynecology, depression, childbirth
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