Russian Federation
Research in the field of political communication has never been more relevant than it is today, as digital media has penetrated deeply into both the political and social spheres. Citizens use digital platforms to obtain information, form opinions, express their views and organize collective actions, as well as for entertainment and communication. Politicians, parties, and transnational political figures use these platforms to reach, persuade, and influence voters and citizens. The creation of e-government in Russia aims to increase the transparency of government information, receive feedback from citizens, encourage public participation and expand cooperation within the government, as well as between the public and private sectors. Such efforts can ensure public trust and strengthen democratic values, as well as the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the authorities. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the study of the development of the digital environment has become more relevant. It was important for national governments that public institutions remain operational and open to citizens at a time when it was important to avoid mass gatherings of people, for this it was necessary to eliminate digital gaps, therefore, states began to actively introduce digital services and Internet communication methods, as well as adopt a legislative framework in the field of digital communications. The digitization of political communications has allowed Russia to develop flexible and effective public administration in the shortest possible time, bringing the state closer to its citizens. This, in turn, provides greater transparency and access to information for citizens, and allows for increased monitoring and accountability of the political system. The research uses expert assessment and survey methods. The theoretical significance lies in the fact that the material can be used to develop new methods of communicative strategy in political communication, emphasizing the importance of e-government as a form of political communication through which social tension in society is reduced by forming feedback in which the state receives information about the expectations and needs of society. The practical significance lies in the possibility of preparing educational and methodological manuals, giving lecture courses, as well as conducting seminars in the field of science of political communication.
political communication, communication strategy, e-government, information, digitalization
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