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Abstract (English):
At the moment, according to ROSSTAT statistics, the incidence of chickenpox from 2007 to 2020 affects approximately 450-600 per 100 thousand people, and also ranks third among viral diseases, not including tuberculosis and HIV, after SARS and intestinal infections, causing visible damage to the economy. The significance of the incidence of chickenpox remains at the same level, rang-ing from 21.3 to 30.5% of the total number of infectious diseases. In addition, according to data for 2022, patients have become more difficult to tolerate illness. Accordingly, the inclusion of vaccination in the mandatory program of specific prevention of chickenpox is an urgent issue. The development of specific prevention against chickenpox began in the mid-90s of the last century. In countries where routine vaccination of children against chickenpox has been introduced, it has had a positive impact on disease prevention and control. However, in a number of European countries, except Germany and Greece, measures have been postponed to make a decision on the inclusion of chickenpox vaccination in the National Vaccination Calendar. Some countries offer routine im-munization programs for children, others offer targeted programs, and in many countries the vac-cine is only available privately. Therefore, an important point is the study of this issue by our do-mestic colleagues.

Varicella Zoster; Chickenpox; vaccination; countries; incidence; statistics.
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