Quantitative assessment of seasonal plant litter of Voronezh upland oak forest
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Abstract (English):
Decomposable plant mass is the most important link in the system of communication between vegetation and soil. Thus, part of the tree plant organs and ground cover vegetation of the oak forest is constantly dying (leaves, generative organs, branches, bark fragments, etc.). These processes are collectively called plant litter, which is the flow of organic matter from phytomass to mortmass. The aim of this work is to study the characteristics of seasonal plant litterformation in conditions of old age upland oak forest. Field work was conducted on monitoring permanent test sites located on the territory of "FOR&ST CARBON" in Voronezh region. Type of forest - oak, composition of the tree- Quercus Robur L., Tilia Cordata Mill., Acer Platanoides L. The ground cover vegetation of the plantation counts 17 species of plants, with a share of this biogeohorizon in seasonal vegetation is about 16.5%. Due to the high dynamics in the biological cycle, a significant amount of carbon and nitrogen is involved in the grass cover vegetation. When measuring the plant litter of ground cover vegetation in oak forest, it is necessary to take into account the exfoliation in the near trunk and under crown areas, as well as to count the phytomass of ephemeroids, since the vegetative litter of ephemeroids is comparable with the vegetative litter of other grasses. The results of the studies in seasonal plant litter assessment showed that the proportion of rapidly mineralizing leaf fraction ranges from 31.1 to 95.4% and the slowly mineralizing branch fraction does not exceed 10%. Between August and November, 1870.12 kg C/ha were carried with plant litterfall. As expected, maximum is in the autumn period, peak is October, during which in oak forest is laid 1416.4 kg C/ ha, which is 75% of the recorded for the entire period of carbon stock.

plant litter, forest litter, litterfall, ground cover vegetation, carbon, upland oak forest, Central Forest Steppe
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