Russian Federation
This article is based on the memoirs of Ilya Bulgakov, stated by him in the manuscript of the article (typed by him personally), letters to the party leaders of Kursk region T. I. Arkhipova and V. E. Sharov, as well as materials of the article by Guards Captain N. Piskun about the fate and successes of Sergeant Ilya Bulgakov, printed in the newspaper “LENINSKOE ZNAMYA” during his military service.
Great Patriotic War, occupation, underground youth groups
1. Bulgakov I. G. Rukopis' stat'i (mashinopis') - 5 str.
2. Piskun N. «Lyubimyy gorod mozhet byt' spokoynym…» - gazeta «LENINSKOE ZNAMYa», 5 dekabrya 1948 g., str. 2.
3. Pis'mo Bulgakova I. G. sekretaryu Kurskogo obkoma KPSS tov. Sharovu V. E. ot 08.02.1982 g.
4. Pis'mo chlenov KPSS Bulgakova I. G. i Klevenskogo Yu. sekretaryu Obkoma KPSS tov. Arhipovoy T. I. ot 07.03. 1969 g.
5. Shamara I. F. U istokov Kurskogo kraevedeniya (k 140-letiyu Georgiya Il'icha Bulgakova)// Zhurnal istoricheskih issledovaniy tom 8 № 4 , 2023.- S. 34 - 41; EDN: