Russian Federation
The article analyzes the institutional and communicative-pragmatic parameters of tourist discourse. Subtypes of tourist discourse are singled out, which make it possible to determine the belonging of texts of tourism sphere to a certain group. The aim of the work is to define and characterize the tourist discourse, to identify its subspecies. The objectives of the study are related to the characterization of institutional parameters of the subspecies of tourist discourse and the description of communicative-pragmatic features and linguistic features of texts belonging to different subspecies of tourist discourse. Research methods used in the work: general scientific, sociolinguistic and linguistic methods. The material of the study was 300 texts/discourses of tourist themes, divided into subspecies. The results of the study allow us to distinguish tourist discourse as a complex type of institutional discourse, including several subspecies, to clarify the definition of “tourist discourse” and to describe its subspecies by communicative and pragmatic characteristics.
tourist discourse, subspecies of tourist discourse, text/discourse, tourist media discourse, advertising and tourist discourse, professional tourist discourse
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