Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Currently, purposefully constructed image communication, including in the industrial sphere and professionally selected communication tools, is becoming increasingly relevant. The company's image and reputation, stakeholder loyalty, brand development and financial well-being depend on this. The purpose of the article is to analyze the tools of image communication of Russian industrial enterprises and determine their effectiveness in modern times. Methodology and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were three approaches at the general scientific, specific scientific and methodological-technological levels: activity, marketing and communicative. Research methods: analytical review of literary sources, study of previously conducted studies, retrospective analysis, comparative analysis of the image practice of industrial enterprises, communication audit, conversation with the employees of the corporate communications department, content analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. The concept and process of image communication at the current stage of development of Russian industrial brands are specified. Internal and external communications of the Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets group are analyzed, a system of effective tools of communication activities is identified. The scientific novelty lies in determining the effects of new communication tools in Russian industrial enterprises. Practical significance. The results of the conducted research can be applied by industrial enterprises to develop channels and tools of image communications.

image communication, communication activities, image communication tools, image, reputation
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