Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the conditions of the new government demand for training foreign specialists of various profiles in Russian higher education, the task of optimising the existing educational paradigm in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language for special purposes is actualised, the most important link of which is the methodological goal set for the formation of the learners' (foreign or Russian universities’ students) ability to overcome the ideological threshold in professional interethnic (intercultural) communication. The analysis of research and methodological literature gives grounds to assert that Russian linguodidactics is ready to ensure the convergence of the pedagogical process, in which formal language teaching, professional training and education in line with the Russian culture and value paradigm can be presented syncretically within the framework of problem-based and / or interactive approaches in one (unified) teaching tool — a textbook / workbook / training manual / training course / educational-methodical complex. As one of the possible strategies for a comprehensive solution to the problem of compliance of educational resources with the latest social challenges, the potential of a new method of creating teaching tools — the method of casual illustrated narrative (CIN), which provides synergetic presentation of the language and culture of business (professional) communication in the framework of the scenario form and thus determines the possibility of building a model of the space-time continuum of professional communication, is substantiated. As a proof of the success and practical significance of the proposed strategy — the SIN method — we present the online course "Russian for Life and Work" developed in 2024 for migrant workers from CIS countries (SPbU, Uzbek national version), the results of the approbation of which led the Russian government to instruct a number of Russian universities to create additional national versions.
socio-communicative professional competence, problem-oriented educational environment, interactive teaching methods, professional communication, method of casual illustrated narrative (CIN), space-time continuum of communication
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