Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Introduction. In the context of the development of cooperation between Russia and China, the importance of communication as a means of interethnic, intercultural and interpersonal communication is increasing. The search and creation of didactic tools for the more successful development of Chinese students' speaking skills in Russian, which are communicatively significant and difficult to master, are urgent tasks. The purpose of this article is to describe the extralinguistic causes of difficulties in developing the Russian speaking skills of Chinese students and to reveal the linguodidactic potential of multimodal texts for teaching speaking in Russian. Research methods include theoretical analysis, pedagogical observation and generalization of pedagogical experience. Results. The authors of the article identify as extralinguistic reasons for difficulties in developing skills among Chinese students: the isolation of textbooks from modern communication practice, a limited number of classroom hours, the written form of passing exams in Russian at Chinese universities, excessive dependence of students on translation programs and low motivation to speak. The authors conclude that the use of multimodal texts motivate students to speak in Russian by mobilizing various channels of information, topical issues, background information about Russian culture and creating a more relaxed and natural atmosphere in the classroom. Scientific novelty. The linguodidactic potential of using multimodal texts for the development of speaking skills is revealed. Practical significance. The use of multimodal texts will help the teacher to improve the level of Russian speaking skills of Chinese students, especially in the absence of a language environment.
communication training, multimodal text, Russian as a foreign language, speaking, Chinese students
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