Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the relationship between fatigue and the peculiarities of the mental state of ATS employees, including discussing which types of moods are dominant among ATS employees with different values of fatigue. The study involved 470 employees of the Department of Internal Affairs who underwent initial training and advanced training at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (312 male employees, 158 female employees with service experience from 1 year to 15 years). The following psychodiagnostic techniques were used: the questionnaire "Determination of the dominant state" (L. V. Kulikov), the questionnaire "Subjective assessment of the level of fatigue of the individual" (S. V. Dukhnovsky, E. K. Shelepina). During the correlation analysis, significant relationships were established between the fatigue indicator (according to the method of "Subjective assessment of the level of fatigue of the individual") and such parameters of the dominant mental state as "active (passive) attitude to the situation", "cheerfulness (despondency)", "high (low) tone", "looseness (tension)", as well as "life satisfaction" according to the method of "Determining the dominant state". During the comparative analysis, significant differences in the characteristics of the mental state of police officers with different values of fatigue were established. Among other things, it was found that for employees of the Department of Internal Affairs with low fatigue values, the dominant types of mood will be "inspired" and "prosperous"; with moderate values - "active"; and with high values - "sad (melancholic)".

fatigue, tone, activity, cheerfulness, mental state, mood, official activity

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1. Fatigue, mental state and mood of employees of internal affairs bodies Authors: Urazaeva Gul'nora

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