The study aimed to identify the dynamics of professional identity of students of an agricultural college in the process of their professional training. The study was carried out using the cross-sectional method. It involved students of the 1st (n = 42), 3rd (n = 38) and 4th (n = 36) years studying in the areas of agricultural education. To identify the features of the professional identity of respondents, the methodology of A.A. Ozerina was chosen, with the help of which the educational and professional plans of students studying in different years, their professional position, motivation, professional intentions, attitude to the acquired profession and its representatives, self-assessment of themselves as a future specialist were studied. It was revealed that professional training has a positive effect on the formation of professional identity in students of an agricultural college, which is reflected in its positive dynamics from the first to the third year. However, in the final year, due to the crisis of professional training, there is a decrease in the number of students ready to build a professional career in the agro-industrial complex. The study concludes that in the process of professional training of future specialists in the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to develop and implement targeted programs to form their professional focus on work in the field of the acquired profession. The main areas of such programs should be the development of educational and professional motivation, subjective position, the formation of a positive attitude to the acquired profession through overcoming the stereotypical image of an agricultural worker, fixed in the mass consciousness, the ability and readiness of students to independently and maturely choose their professional future.
professional identity, professional orientation, professional development, educational and professional motivation, educational and professional position, students of the agricultural college
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