Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The goal of the paper is to study the methodology of network interregional interaction in the system of lifelong professional education with the tasks of social and ecological education of students. This problem is significant for the interregional system of lifelong professional education and pedagogical education as a source of human resources for a wide range of activities. The objectives of the study include the analysis of the concept of "lifelong professional education", generalization of the features of pedagogical activity of various regions, regional and interregional professional portraits of a teacher from the standpoint of professional deficiencies, identification of the methodology of network interaction based on the expert opinion of university teachers with a description of the model of the interregional network lifelong professional education system. It is concluded that distributed project activities in poly-professional teams with the participation of teachers can become a methodological basis for network interregional interaction in the system of continuous professionalization based on interregional supplementary education programs. The network organization of the model allows for effective dissemination to pedagogical universities and universities of non-pedagogical profiles through interuniversity partnership. The novelty lies in the socio-ecological aspects of distance interregional interaction in the context of heterogeneity of socio-cultural norms in the implementation of poly-professional projects by teachers.
lifelong professional education, pedagogical education, interregional supplementary education, social and ecological aspects of communications, interdisciplinary projects, poly-professional teams, digital technologie
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