Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article analyzes the attitude of parents of younger students to school, taking into account the main structural elements of the school (teachers, students, educational process, premises and equipment). 38 parents of 4th grade students of a secondary school in Nizhny Novgorod took part in the experiment. Of these, 20 are mothers and 18 are fathers. The age of the respondents is in the range of 29-45 years. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the research topic, a questionnaire for V.Ya. Yasvin's parents, methods of quantitative and qualitative processing and presentation of results, generalization, the Mann-Whitney method. This study is a pilot study. Qualitative characteristics of parents' attitude to school were revealed. The attitude of parents towards school is more emotional in nature. Parents demonstrate a high emotional charge towards teachers and the educational process. Also, the attitude of parents towards school is heterogeneous and contradictory. Different structural components of the school have different significance for parents. The same component can be evaluated in different ways. Parents express their high willingness to help teachers. At the same time, information about the teacher is not important to them, help to the teacher is often expressed formally. It is important for parents to be informed about the education and upbringing of children. Parents show a good willingness to participate in the creation of comfortable, well-equipped school premises. The maximum interest is associated with the students. It is important for them to have complete and quick information on the success and difficulties of children in learning.
interaction, younger students, subjective attitude to school
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