Russian Federation
Russian heroic folk sagas (byliny) have been a central element of Folk Education as a distinct genre of folklore that actively shaped and refined the listener’s value system, influencing their perception of the world and their moral compass. The folk epic storytelling was a multifaceted cultural practice, incorporating pedagogical and psychotherapeutic functions.This practice promoted Christian teachings, instilled social norms, fostered a sense of national pride, emphasized the importance of family and tradition, and encouraged care for the less fortunate, including widows, orphans, and the impoverished. Based on an entertaining form of students’ acquaintance with important events of Russian history, heroes and traditions, an epic situation immersion method confronts the task of moral choice, which they solve together with the epic heroes. This method contributes to students’ cognitive abilities, imaginative development, moral character, and appreciation for their country and ancestors.
upbringing, heroic epic, immersion, epic, hero, value choice, moral laws, empathy
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