Rubrics: FINANCE
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Abstract (English):
The financial foundations of the development of interregional economic integration are considered. The review of various points of view in the field of development of economic integration in modern conditions, including the financial basis, is carried out. The author considers the theoretical and methodological aspect of the identified problems. This article is a continuation of the author's series of publications on the development of economic and financial activities in the context of sanctions and integration in the regional and global economy. The scientific novelty is due to the low degree of elaboration of this topic, the insufficient number of publications in the field of solving integration problems in the regional economy, taking into account the factor of time, uncertainty and financial risks. The article defines the prospects for the development of interregional integration based on the construction of an effective financial management system.

finance, financial relations, economic integration, oligopolization, diversification, integrated structures, financial resources, trade, tariffs, inter-regional integration, regional cooperation, regional finance
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