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Abstract (English):
The article considers the concept of digital reputation in relation to the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as identifies the technological and communicative methods of its formation and maintenance. The digital reputation of a public administration body is a multicriterial assessment of its activities. It appears in media space and reflects the opinions of socially active population. Digital reputation is not identical to digital image. The authors revealed the following discursive factors that shape stereotypes about public administration. For instance, an indefinitely wide range of addressees lack basic knowledge in public administration; public assessments are flexible and unpredictable; some Internet users practice provocative speech behavior, etc. The research featured internet posts made by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the social network VKontakte. The service made it possible to rate them by user involvement. A discursive and stylistic analysis of the posts with a high engagement coefficient revealed the following effective tools for managing the digital reputation of the authorities: hashtags as means of data distribution and systematization, dialogical and personalized presentation, interactive forms of communication (voting, polls, etc.), timely reaction to user comments, etc.

digitalization, mediatization, digital reputation, executive authorities of Russia, managing digital reputation, verbal techniques
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