Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the issues of management in highly reliable special and dual-use systems (HRSDUS), which play a key role in solving the management tasks assigned to the HRSDUS both in the interests of the national economy and for military purposes. The characteristic of the system approach is presented, according to which the management tools included in the HRSDUS play a key role in the management process. The role of the management process in the coordination of interrelated and interacting activities is shown. The importance of the process approach in the design system is considered, which includes issues related to planning, evaluation and analysis of processes. Based on the information about the subject of management, the mechanism of decision-making on the choice of the appropriate control action is given. It is noted that in the design process, the task of managing the project for the creation of a HRSDUS is to perform all the necessary stages and types of work at a time set by duration. At the same time, it is indicated that the design process of the HRSDUS is associated with the selection of appropriate quality criteria and management methods, according to which, with the initial data and existing limitations established by the customer, the progress of the development of a system with an appropriate level of quality should be monitored. The important role of the optimization problem is noted in the design process. Based on the discretization process and the rectangle formula, a method for reducing the optimal control problem to a mathematical programming problem is presented. An algorithm for solving the optimization problem under conditions of negative external influences (NEI) is considered. When determining the structure of the HRSDUS, it is shown that the formation of the predicted properties of the HRSDUS structure is determined by the sequence of processes (formation, development, change) of a complex control system. In the final part of the article, a diagram of the control mechanism of the HRSDUS is given. It is shown that when determining the structure of the HRSDUS, it is necessary that the initial controlled value change according to the rule excluding any interference from outside. It has been established that when determining the structure of the HRSDUS, it is impossible not to take into account the influence of negative external factors of artificial or natural origin, which have unpredictability (uncertainty). It is noted that the structure of the management system is of a hierarchical order. Aggregate and partial performance indicators are formed, which act as objects of parametric analysis. In this regard, the risks of implementing all possible negative external influences should be minimized

unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) information transmission systems, management, object, process, automation

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