from 01.01.2021 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Socio-Cultural Design and Development of Territories, Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 331 Труд. Наука о труде. Экономика труда. Организация труда
UDK 332 Региональная (территориальная) экономика. Земельный (аграрный) вопрос. Жилищное хозяйство
The relevance of the presented study is determined by the fact that the increase in the scale of the state defense order by an order of magnitude since the beginning of the Second World War has led to the need for adequate development of the potential of the country's defense-industrial complex, including ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country and achieving technological leadership. Among the problems of developing the potential of the defense industry, one of the central places is occupied by the personnel problem, including the problem of effective development of the potential of the personnel reserve of the leadership of the defense industry. The need for a radical change in the strategy of this development of the potential of the personnel reserve of the leadership of the defense industry, entails the need for a corresponding improvement of the system of principles for developing the potential of the personnel reserve of the leadership of the defense industry. The purpose of the presented study is to determine the principles of developing the potential of the personnel reserve of the management staff of the military-industrial complex in the interests of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. The scientific novelty of the results of the work lies in the substantiation of the system of principles for the development of the potential of the personnel reserve of the management of the military-industrial complex in the interests of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country and its national security, in which, in addition to the existing set of principles, the principles of adaptability of the processes of working with the personnel reserve of the management of the military-industrial complex and proactive strategic planning of its formation are added, which allows increasing the efficiency of the formation and implementation of strategies for the development of the potential of the personnel reserve of the management of the military-industrial complex not only in relatively stable geopolitical and economic conditions, but also in conditions of significant geopolitical and economic transformations. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of their use in substantiating the main provisions of a proactive strategy for managing the development of the potential of the personnel reserve of the management staff of the military-industrial complex.
definition of principles, development of potential, personnel reserve of the management of the military-industrial complex, ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country
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