Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The problem of further increasing the traction properties of new freight locomotives and switchers is considered, while bringing the traction coefficient in operation from 0.27...0.3 to 0.4...0.5. It is proved that in existing support and axial drives with rigid gear, dynamic torques worsen traction properties. It is proposed to use traction drives with elastic traction gear and support frame drives, as well as suspension of traction motors, which reduces the unevenness of loads along the axes of the carriage. It is proposed to use devices that affect the contact surface of the wheel with the rail using a magnetic field. As a result of the conducted research, it is found that for locomotives with a wheel diameter of 1250 mm, it is rational to use a traction drive with a support frame suspension of the engine and an axial gearbox with an intermediate gear wheel. For switchers with a wheel diameter of 1050 mm, it is rational to use arc-stator asynchronous motors with traction amplifier windings between inductors.
locomotive, traction properties, wheelset, suspension, configuration, increase, coefficient, traction
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3. Kosmodamiansky AS, Batashov SI, Nikolaev EV. Development of locomotive skid prevention devices based on object modeling of technical solutions. Automation and Modeling in Design and Management. 2022;4:79-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30987/2658-6436-2022-4-79-86
4. Nehaev VA, Nikolaev VA, Smalev AN, Seryakov KO. Dynamics of a vehicle wheel pair with simultaneous parametric and kinematic disturbances. Automation and Modeling in Design and Management. 2023;4:45-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30987/2658-6436-2023-4-45-54
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9. Kosmodamiansky AS, Izmerov OV, Kopylov SO, Vorobyev VI, Korchagin VO, Pugachev AA, Kapustin MYu, Samotkanov AV, Shevchenko DN, Nikolaev EV, Karpov AE. RF Patent for utility model No. 215944. SPK B61C 9/50. Locomotive traction drive. 2023 Nov 01.
10. Izmerov OV, Litvinov AT, Akishin EP, Werber FG, Lysak VA, Avramenko VS, Vlasov VI, Kochergin VV. Dynamic loads in the traction drive of 2TE121 locomotive. Test results of 2TE121 diesel locomotive. VNITI Trudi. 1985;62:119-130.
11. Kosmodamiansky AS, Vorobyev VI, Izmerov OV, Pugachev AA, Korchagin VO, Nikolaev EV. Classification of magnetic adhesion boosters and search for new decisions for traction drive. Transport of the Urals. 2022;2(73):50-58.
12. Kosmodamiansky AS, Vorobyev VI, Izmerov OV, Maslov MA, Korchagin VO, Strekalov NN, Kapustin MYu, Samotkanov AV, Shevchenko DN. RF Patent for utility model No. 202706, SPK B61C 15/08 (2020.08). Device for increasing the traction of locomotive driving wheels with rails. 2021 March 03.
13. Antipin DYa, Vorobyev VI, Maslov MA, Izmerov OV, Kosmodamiansky AS, Nadtochey DG RF Patent for utility model No. 187030, SPK B61C 15/08 (2006.01). Device for increasing the traction of locomotive driving wheels with rails. 2019 Febr 14.
14. Vorobyev VI, Pugachev AA, Kopylov SO, Nikolaev EV. The method of object modeling in the development of patentable designs of traction drive mechanisms. Automation and Modeling in Design and Management. 2021;3-4:4-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30987/2658-6436-2021-3-4-4-13 .
15. Vorobyev VI, Izmerov OV, Kosmodamiansky AS, Pugachev AA, Strekalov NN, Kapustin MYu, Samotkanov AV, Shevchenko DN, Nikolaev EV RF Patent for utility model No. 208748. SPK B61C 15/08. Device for increasing the traction of locomotive driving wheels with rails. 2022 Oct 01.