Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Innovative development of the Russian economy is impossible without increasing the efficiency of small innovative enterprises (startups), including those created within companies. The problems of managing internal startups and especially startup teams have been relatively poorly studied by modern science. The high dynamics of startups causes high variability and intensive transformations in team management practices. To create a highper formance startup team, it is necessary to understand the internal logic of change in the parameters of teams and team management. The article studies the dynamics of changes in team characteristics and team management within the startup development process. The research methodology is based on process research and case studies. The work investigates the dynamics of the startup team a cloud gaming service. The startup was organized within one company but was then sold to a large IT corporation. The article examines certain characteristics of the team in their development including management methodologies, team composition, communications, culture, motivation, operational and strategic planning pro cedures.

startup team, team management, process research, change management, high-performance team, corporate entrepreneurship, case-study
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