Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
The article focuses on the need for marketing activities by institutions of higher education in the context of increasing competition in the educational services market. The main tasks and functions of marketing in the activities of higher education institutions are highlighted. The approaches to determining the essential characteristics of an educational product of a higher education institution are analyzed. The forms and methods used to promote educational programs of the university are considered. Special attention is paid to marketing tools to attract the attention of applicants to the educational program. The article describes the content marketing methodology for creating useful and meaningful information to attract the attention of potential applicants to the educational program. The role and place of the graduating department in the marketing activities of the university to attract future students and ensure the effectiveness of communication interaction is determined. A program has been developed to study the peculiarities of communication between the graduating department and potential applicants. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, significant directions for attracting motivated applicants and gaining their trust in the educational program being implemented have been established. It is proposed to use a research focus that will help determine the competitive position of the educational program being implemented from the point of view of potential applicants and obtain data to improve the educational product promotion program, create and maintain an attractive image of the graduating department and reduce the risks of losing motivated and well-trained applicants.
educational services market, marketing activities of universities, educational product, marketing communications, attracting attention, target audience, potential applicants
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