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Abstract (English):
In China in the past, the piano belonged exclusively to princes and nobles, but now it has entered thousands of homes of ordinary people. Countless preschool children have started learning to play the piano with the support of their parents and teachers. According to incomplete statistics, the share of pianos in China has exceeded two million units, which is one tenth of the total in the world. Currently, at least one million people in China are learning to play the piano, of which beginners and young students make up the majority. Today, in the field of education, the piano has become one of the musical instruments of many learning enthusiasts in China. The piano has become a hot topic in society after reform and openness. In 2023, the fifth International Piano Art Festival was successfully held in the Futian district of Shenzhen. China has turned Shenzhen into a “piano city” and this theme has become a big focus in Shenzhen. Then, with such a tense status quo, the problem of piano education in China arose. The text below contains a discussion of this issue.

piano education, China, Chinese education, the value of piano education, the improvement of Chinese piano education
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